


Bjørn Are appointed as CFO of Lilbit

He will lead the company towards IPO.

Written by Øyvind Skogmo Hansen

Cover Image for Bjørn Are appointed as CFO of Lilbit

Title: Bjørn Are Mostue

 Photo: Lilbit

Towards the end of 2021, Lilbit broke the Norwegian crowdfunding record by raising 28M NOK through Folkeinvest.

For the first time in history, we now appoint a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The new CFO, Bjørn Are Mostue (32), will lead Lilbit towards exponential growth, and by the end of 2022, to the Norwegian stock exchange list.

«We were looking for a CFO with leadship experience and a rock solid economic financial background. Bjørn Are was recommended from multiple people, and we are happy to announce him as our CFO», says Morten Sæthre, founder and CEO of Lilbit.

Mostue has a master’s in accounting from Norges Handelhøyskole and is currently a state authorised auditor. After graduating in Bergen, he moved to Oslo, where he worked for the audit- and consulting company RSM Norge. He also has experience from PwC.

«With eight years of experience as an auditor, I have gained insight into a wide variety of industries. I now want to use my knowledge and experience to help build and expand the growth of Lilbit», says our CFO.

Unique chance

After more than a decade spent in different places around Norway, Lilbits new CFO has decided to return home to Trondheim. Mostue grew up at Tiller in Trondheim but has now moved closer to the office with his spouse and son.

After a conversation with Morten Sæthre, the auditor realized he had a unique chance at his feet. The local aspect of the company’s structure was rather appealing.

– It is revitalizing to me to work with a company based in Trøndelag, where the whole development, design and production line happens locally. It means we can control the entire ship from Trondheim.

Believes in international success

At the end of 2021, Lilbit gained vast attention from the media because of our crowdfunding success. With more than 900 investors, it is evident that people believe Lilbit will find the road to international success with our AI-based pet tracker.

Bjørn Are Mostue, who also grew up with dogs in his family, truly believes Lilbit can achieve its ambition.

«The potential is huge, both in Norway and internationally».

The new CFO has already started working.

«Right now, I’m getting to know the product and the internal structure of the business. Then I will begin preparing the organization for the upcoming growth we know will come. And I look forward to doing so».